5. Conclusion

From the data collected, we concluded that the mung beans grew the best at 1.5V and 6.0V, compared to the other plants. They grew to a height of 22.3cm and 22.4cm in batch 1 respectively. The set-up with no voltage also grew better than the set-up with 3.0V, 4.5V, and 7.5V. This is an abnormality as in the initial hypothesis is the higher the voltage across the plants, the better the plant growth; however, the one without electricity grew better.

Another abnormality is 7.5V, which was decided by the seniors who did a similar experiment, was the best voltage. However, ours concluded the worst.

If the plant in the 4th set-up of batch 1 did not have its stem ripped off, we can conclude the mung beans will grow faster with more voltage across them.

5.1 Practical Applications

Electricity can be used to produce a larger amount of food without much burden on finite resources (UNIMELB,2019). This will allow more food quantity to be produced in a shorter time, and allow easier access to those who need food. According to the South China Morning Post, it was found that vegetable yields could increase by 20% to 30%. (Fleming,2018). Another thing electricity can do is provide efficiency to growing crops. It is harmless to nature compared to the fertilizers or pesticides, which could result in contamination in rivers or pollution of air. It had a 20% reduction in fertiliser consumption (Fleming, 2018).

5.2 Areas for further study
1. Why do the plants that were exposed to electricity only after sprouting grew better? An area of study we can work on is using other plants and electrocute them when they are seeds and when they are seedlings. We can better find out on the specifics of the effect of electricity on plants. The dependent variables are the height of the plant, and the independent variable would be the time we start to allow electricity to pass through.

2. What if we try to apply a more fatal voltage on the plants? An area of further study we can work on is to apply a high voltage across the two plants like 30V. The dependent variables would be similar to our current experiment - the height of the plant, and the independent variable would be the time we start to allow electricity to pass through.
