Title and Abstract

Project title: Investigation of the effect of electricity on hydroponics


Our research experiment is to find out whether electricity will enhance the growth of hydroponic plants, and what voltage would be the most suitable for it. Nowadays, food from a soilless culture is more widespread due to the limited space of cultivation, including labour costs. (Bonghwan Kim, 2017) 
World hunger is still one of the biggest unsolved problems in the world. By observing the nutrients the plants need from the water solution and seeing whether electricity would enhance the growth of hydroponics, we could find a way to grow crops in a larger scale and in a more sustainable manner where there would be enough food for everyone. Moreover, due to global warming, food is harder to get; hence the food prices are increasing. If we can grow hydroponics and harvest them faster, more food can be produced in a shorter time, thus leading to less starvation in the world.
